The 12 Habits Program

On this page, you will learn all about our 12 Habits Program.

But first, watch a video by Sue and Gareth explaining what habits are and the common mistakes people make when trying to start a new good habits and remove bad ones

The Course

Listen Up

The course is made up primarily of audio lessons, and for your year with us, you will have an audio to listen to every day.

Each audio is around 10 minutes and we always suggest they are best listened to first thing in the morning so you can follow through with the actions during the day

The audio experience is more immersive than video and it makes consuming the content easier as you just need to whack your headphones on and you are good to go.

Each audio will set you up for the day in a positive way and keep you focused on the habit we are learning together.

Each month we focus on one of the 12 habits and it does not matter when you join us, the program is about doing the full year.

And don’t worry if you join us when the month has already started, you can catch up by listening to a special cramming audio we have produced.

So let’s have a closer look at The 12 Habits and which month of the year they fit into.

January:- Clean Eating - This is not about “fad diets” that don’t work. It’s about developing an understanding of the nutrition that works for you. When you master this habit you will be able to make healthier choices, choices that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle like a hand fits a glove.

February:- Moving Daily - This habit is all about increasing energy levels and being “fit for purpose.” You will learn simple ways to ensure you are fit and healthy without having to become some gym rat or spend hours pounding pavements. Once you find what works for you, it will be a breeze to move daily.

March:- Goal Setting - Over 92% of people who set goals, never achieve them. This is because they don’t set them correctly and miss out on vital stages of the goal-setting process. We will arm you with the tools to go from being a wishful dreamer to a goal-getter so you can join the 8% who do nail their goals.

April:- Effective Planning - A lot of our stress can come from feeling like we don’t have enough hours in the day. But develop the habit of effective planning and you will become more focused, organised, and productive. Once you know how to plan effectively you will have more than enough time each day.

May:- Rising Early - This habit is not about joining the 5 am club (although many do) it’s about harnessing the power of getting up earlier than you do now. Even 15 minutes will make a difference and allow you to get more done and go into the day with intention and purpose.

June:- Taking Action - Once you develop this habit, procrastination will become a thing of the past. You will take action quicker and avoid putting things off. You will do little tasks without thinking about it and you will become a reliable dooer who says what they do and do what they say.

July:- Positive Mindset - No matter how negative or downbeat you believe you are, with some practice and guidance you will start to look at everything in a positive light. With a positive mindset, you will see opportunities you may otherwise miss. Challenges will still come up, but you will see them differently.

August:- Seek Inspiration - Inspiration is the fuel that drives us on. It’s something we tend to let find us. But when you realise it can be found, you will go looking for it. Whatever you are going after in life, inspiration will be needed. And once you have developed the habit of looking for it, you realise it’s everywhere.

September:- Educate Yourself - We have never lived in a time when access to information is so readily available. Yet despite this, the vast majority of people never learn new things. By mastering the habit of educating yourself you will add more value to the world and those close to you.

October:- Journaling - This habit is about using the simple tool of journaling to gain self-awareness and clarity. Some people can see journaling as a bit of an “airy-fairy” pastime. But once you experience the benefits of using it, and the insights it will bring up, there will be no stopping you.

November:- Meditation - As a way to relax and reduce stress, meditation can not be beat. There are so many different types of meditation you can use and we will share those with you as we help you develop a style that works for you. The benefits, mental and physical of meditation can’t be overstated.

December:- Gratitude - Developing an attitude of gratitude is not some kind of “woo-woo” thinking aimed at ignoring reality to make us feel better. It’s about appreciating and making the most of the experiences, resources and opportunities that surround us. This habit is way more powerful than you might first think.

One is good, but all is better

Mastering any one of the 12 habits alone can make a significant positive difference to your mental, physical and emotional wellness. But it's a game changer when you learn to bring them all together, and it will take your life and wellness to a whole new level.

The Community

Acountability Group

As we believe accountability is an essential part of our program, we created a private accountability group for everyone coming on this journey with us.

Our private group is hosted on Facebook and in that group every day Monday to Friday, one of the team at The 12 Habits, goes live at 8 am GMT.

Our daily Facebook Live is a chance for us to talk about the day’s lesson and give people a chance to share their wins from the previous day or ask any questions they may have.

The community is the very heart of the program and your activity in it is what will make the biggest difference to your progress.

But there’s more!

(and this is a biggie)

Group Coaching Calls

Every month you are invited to join us on a live group coaching call on Zoom where we deep-dive into the monthly habit and I work with you to ensure you have nailed it.

Each Habit will throw up challenges and this call is a chance to overcome them within a live setting.

Group coaching is very powerful, and we wanted you to experience this as part of the program. Attending these sessions is another way to add another level of accountability to the program as well as allowing you to work on your challenges with the team at The 12 Habits.

The Challenge

Can you go all in?

The course is solid, and the community works, but the big challenge in our program is to show up and follow through for the full year.

If you go all in for the full 12 months, your life will be so different from what it is right now.

So take on the challenge to learn the only 12 habits you will ever need to become the best version of yourself you can be and make the next 12 months something special for you.

Your future self will thank you for it

So what next?

Let’s share some of the benefits you will experience using what you learn in this program.

Be in great physical shape.

Improved mental health.

More energy and excitement for life.

Achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Manage your time better.

Reduced your stress levels.

But the reality is that the 12 habits will give you the tools to be, do or have anything you want in life.

Your Two choices

Choice A: Sign up and start becoming a better YOU

Choice B: Do nothing and stay exactly where you are….forever

If you need help deciding, choice A is the much smarter move 😉

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© The 12 Habits 2024